Sustento Textil

Sustento Textil

Adriana Meneses Sustento Textil En el marco del mes de la Mujer, este lunes 22 de marzo, Venprendedoras en conjunto con Alimenta La Solidaridadpresentan “SUSTENTO TEXTIL”. Un proyecto social ejemplo de #MujeresApoyandoMujeres dentro y fuera de Venezuela?? El evento se...
Visados Para la Libertad (Visas for Freedom)

Visados Para la Libertad (Visas for Freedom)

Back Visados Para la Libertad (Visas for Freedom) Coordinated by Adriana Meneses and David Bittan. This online exhibition is a message to life, resignifying the honor, respect, and courage of Spanish diplomats and politicians who were truly at the service of justice,...
CG Art Exhibition

CG Art Exhibition

Back CG – Art Curated by Adriana Meneses and Oscar Ascanio, this art exhibition was part of the cultural reactivation of Coral Gables. April-May 2018...
Miami New Media Festival

Miami New Media Festival

Back Miami New Media Festival The Miami New Media Festival is a multimedia platform held in Miami by Arts Connection Foundation, since 2006. It promotes art through the exploration of new technologies and interactive narratives, such as video art, animation, digital...