“The Flags of Imaginary Nations came to me in a dream where I saw dozens of Nations warring fiercely one against the other – all against all – in a battle to control de World.
The Flags of Imaginary Nations came to me in a dream where I saw dozens of Nations warring fiercely one against the other – all against all – in a battle to control de World.
Identities are forged in opposition to the other, and each Nation in my dream fought hard to keep theirs. All of them losing it in this battle to a single Nation which won the war at the end and established World peace for good.
The main influences in my work have been Pop Art and Minimalism. Like other bodies of work, my involvement will be minimal. In the matter of the flags, they will be a collaboration between myself in Israel, a designer in Barcelona and a manufacturer, in this case, a flag maker in the United Kingdom. We will be doing everything via chat, file sharing, email, androids, and iPhones. I will keep myself out of it as much as I can.
After they`re manufactured the flags will be ready for exhibit in a Salon Hanging fashion, thus imitating the painting competitions of the XlX Century.