The Project
Meyer Vaisman wishes to create an installation of flags of nations that don’t exist or don’t yet exist.
Meyer Vaisman wishes to create an installation of flags of nations that don’t exist or don’t yet exist.
Meyer Vaisman, was born in Venezuela in 1960, became an internationally recognized artist whilst living in New York in the 1980s and 90s, then moved to Barcelona and now lives in Israel has chosen the subject of nationhood, and with it, abstract picture making as the topic of his return to art-making.
Vaisman refers to the flags as “neo-conceptual abstractions” – made using a traditional flag company. Meyers designs are abstract blocks of color, stripes, and pattern that are both a celebration of the possible and a continuation of his work since his first shows at White Columns, that used abstract art as a way of examining ideas around identity and art-making, and his banners and tapestries of the 90s, that played with history and contemporary iconography.
Vaisman has talked of installing the flags close together, invoking thoughts of a gathering of possibilities, or a hall his nations. It seems very fitting that an artist who has made the world his home would choose to create a gathering of fictional countries places not yet flawed by historical actions or present-day agendas as the point of his return.